Massive interview for Fractured Air // New Ray Kane video of ‘Candela’…

August 17th, 2017

Isotach is officially released tomorrow, and I understand there have been a few favourable reviews floating around. I shall do my best to repost these on the usual social media channels, but, if you want a little more insight into the lazy, hesitant, often-reluctant process that is responsible for bringing much of this music to life, you are welcome to read an interview I did with Mark Carry, for Fractured Air:


In addition, we have released another of Ray Kane’s videos, shot at home; this time, a more exploratory musing on Candela (for Sascha Heeney).

I am so grateful for your support – both in person, and through comments and shares online. none of this music really means anything without other people to listen to it. x